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售價:1580 我要購買 |
搜尋參考資料: 1.Sophie - Origin and Meaning of the name Sophie at ... www.babynames.com/name/SOPHIE Sophie: Meaning, origin, and popularity of the name Sophie plus name advice and more from the #1 Baby Names site online. Origin and Meaning of the baby name Sophie. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie Sophie (meaning "wisdom") is the diminutive of Sophia. Notable people with the name include: sophiescuban.com The Sophie’s Cuban Cuisine® Mission. Sophie's Cuban Cuisine® is dedicated to exceeding our guests' expectations. We will provide the freshest and tastiest ...
Sophie the Giraffe Teether by Vulli comes in natural rubber for baby's teething 0-12 months. Sophie is the famous giraffe Sophie, who has been part of babies lives for sophieshoes.com Known as 'the candy store for shoe addicts' we now offer a wide variety of not only footwear, handbags, and accessories, but clothing as well! 【Sophie&Sam】都會簡約高跟踝靴(豹紋),9cm以上,跟高鞋款,專櫃男女鞋,鞋包錶 |
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資料來源:momo購物網 |